What you need to know: Ericsson introduced the standard Bluetooth at least 20 years ago. In December 2016, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group announced the adoption of Bluetooth 5 [...]
What you should know: The Internet of Things will change business models that have extensive legal consequences. Only those insurance companies and banks that adopt IoT will survive. Actually, [...]
What you should know: The artificial intelligence unit of IBM’s Watson Health is collaborating with the US Food and Drug Administration to research on the possibility of using blockchain to share [...]
What you need to know: The Internet of Things and fintech will continue to play an important role in 2017. Fintech will drive digital transformation in every business sector that generates income [...]
What you need to know: HYPR Corp, a biometric security firm, launched a secure platform for the e-Commerce sector. The platform decentralizes the storage of data for safe usage, instead of [...]