New payday loan regulations come into force today, requiring all online lenders to advertise on at least one price comparison website and display ‘prominently’ a link on their own websites to a [...]
NatWest has added Seedrs to its Capital Connections programme. Capital Connections introduces NatWest’s business and commercial customers to a number of alternative funding solutions. Also, [...]
Ford Money is to launch a Regular Saver account and a Regular Saver Cash ISA account on 22 May 2017, both paying 4% over 12 months. Account holders can deposit between £25 and £250 each month. [...]
Paytm, India’s largest digital payments startup, raised $1.4 billion from SoftBank Group in the largest funding round from a single investor for the country’s technology sector. The funding into [...]
Voice-recognition software used by HSBC to stop fraud was fooled by a BBC reporter and his twin brother. HSBC is reviewing ways to make the ID system more sensitive Research, conducted among 2000 [...]
American Express has announced that cardholders can now use Amazon Alexa to check their account balance, review recent charges, make a payment and find out about new offers Monzo has announced [...]
4thWay has warned that ‘easy access’ accounts offered by peer-to-peer loan platforms do not guarantee to return money quickly. The research company believes it could be less risky for investors [...]
Monzo has prioritised launching current accounts for its 190,000 customers over the development of a full featured public API. However, the bank still intends to launch a public API and developer [...]
Mortgage Brain, a software developer co-owned by Barclays, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Santander and Virgin Money, is working with advisers from Deloitte on a [...]
Starling Bank is to launch a service that will allow companies to gain instant access to Britain’s payments systems so they can offer their customers real-time payments online or through mobile [...]